Friday, August 9, 2013

American Freedom: Oh pretty young one.

Naïveté. Thomas Jefferson once had ideals of absolution for what was America and every man would create freedom by having no hierarchy of any sort and maintain order and civility by the strength of ones self and the idea of "common good." This would entail no police; we would be our own police and a tried individual would be brought before a jury of "ones peers." That would be us all coming together of our own will to keep the virtue of our freedom a community accomplishment.  

Modern America would never and never did go for this ideal because as we all even still hope; we strive for an idealistic freedom that never existed. Only in concept. "America is a business." We turn towards our economy and our jobs to create "a living" for ourselves. We have no independence as we as people cannot be independent from eachother. We all need someone to buy our products/services to be able to buy groceries at our supermarket. We all need work to pay for our rent/mortgages. We as individuals do not and are not capable of living, farming, or creating our lives from the raw land and living solely off of our harvests.

The naïveté in our young generations has allowed for constant disconnect with our land and further immersed ourselves in consumerism. Fuck, we've made "Freedom" into a fucking brand. And the people who we sell these ideals to are everyone coming in from other countries. We are a nation of selfish capitalists that will sucker punch the international dreamers, hoping for a glimpse of the freedom they all hear about. And it starts with us and our next generations. Our parents and grandparents have gone as far as their ambition goes. 

Our emoed, punkified, young trust-fund kids have been lucky enough to rely on their money from their grandparents' hard work. Now they see the fruits of their labor and see no reason for aspiration or point to life other than to fuck and get fucked up because they are bored.  Ambition will have no drive if there is no purpose. And unfortunately our education growing up in America is branded as well. I remember that we celebrated Columbus Day as Christopher Columbus was the first to discover America. He landed in the Philippines and he was not the first fucking one to discover this land! Turns out there were (and struggling, still are) Natives. And these are referring to Native Americans. (Not native as in "dude, I was born here.) True natives to this land. Our history we learn as youth is wrong and we have given ourselves permission to accept that we were the "good ones" bringing civilization to an "unforeboding and wild land." 

Our civilization has lost our attachment and need for this land. The only thing we cultivate like its our blood spilling, is our oil. Even that we only drill sparingly. (Our government officials know as this world runs out of fossil fuels, our dependence will remain the same, especially if the Oil Companies maintain our dependence by buying out any technology presenting alternative opportunities.)  nothing drives prices up like creating scarcity. (Drilling overseas and wars over oil.) Next is the "World Oil Reserve" and then world unity.  But it will be a further blinded unity. Contemporary America is the practice game.  But at this point it is all just a waiting game.  We are all too selfish, too irresponsible, too fat, and too many to be able to make a decision about the good of our country let alone our planet.  And the education of our emo teens reflects the pettiness of our efforts to reform our ways. "Recycling" doesn't help. No one uses 100% recycled materials. It's old shit, mixed in with the new manufactured shit. You can polish a turd. Fact is you can sell them too.

Our youth have no connection to land because they do not appreciate history, where they came from, how they got here, and who worked, fought and died so they could cut their thighs with a shallow razor while they get fucked from behind.  We all need to step up and relearn our connection to the land. 

Start with next time you go "camping."  Build a shelter, find food, water and make fire without creating a dramatic impact on your surroundings. Find sustenance from your surroundings. You'll catch a glimpse of independence and true freedom. 

Camus relates how "going against the grain" is mere weakness contrasted to just the basic idea of true freedom.  To be truly free, everyone else will fear you and the being/life you have begun. But for us all to one day enjoy a wholistic freedom; we have to all be 100% free of servitude, government, policing, conspiracy, hatred, envy and consumerism. We all can stand on our own feet and find a way to accomplish our own freedom. 

Only in a free world.

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