Monday, August 19, 2013

Aftercare Solutions: Baker's Health Up and Coming

As Tattoo Artists and Collectors alike, we all continue to find a better solution for aftercare that can speed up the healing time and make it easier to heal. 

Many ointments and aftercare balms have made leaps and bounds in the industry. H2Ocean, Tattoo Goo, ect. have paved the way for aftercare. Basing their solutions with a water based formula; this allows the tattoo to breathe more easily and heal more readily. This is a great solution especially with individuals with sensitive skin.  Solutions like these have allowed us to take better care of our tattoos and allow them to heal with a more vibrant look, keep clean, and heal better than just using an over the counter, non-scented, petroleum free, water based lotion. The only problem that arises with ointments is keeping your tattoo clean and free of contaminates. This is not a fault of the collector but a necessary measure that has to be taken to ensure healthy recovery. It is unfortunate that aftercare kits still require you to go through an intensive cleaning your tattoo at least twice a day with antibacterial soap.  And further still, there are no solutions that are all-in-one tattoo recovery solutions however there is a new up and coming product that has shown to make healing a little less intense. 

Baker's Health is a mobile company based out of Colorado and Florida. Headed by Carol and Rob Baker, a mom and son organization, have created a formula and product comprised of only natural ingredients that allow the health conscious and industry savvy to salivate.  Their product is labeled a "Tattoo Salve" which is different then a balm or lotion. A salve, you mix it as you apply which activates and changes the chemical composition as you apply it to your tattoo.  This product was originally intended as a wound salve and after success with healing and cleanliness of the wound, Carol and Rob were able to modify their formula to fit a tattoo sensibility.  This salves helps alleviate the painful edge and swolleness a tattoo has after being done; while coating the tattoo, it helps draw more blood and thus more cells to the dermis increasing efficiency in healing time.  The main ingredient in this is the vitamin E that helps heal the skin more readily.  All of their ingredients (all natural) are all listed on their label, the only thing they don't tell you is the composition. The ingredients are: Infused Comfrey Oil, Cocoa & Shea Butter, Beeswax, Propolis, Vitamin E Oil, Tea Tree and Lavender.

Though there are discrepancies between professionals about what products and ingredients heal better, this is a product not to go with out trying.  The feel and effects of this product happen to be quite nice.

The uniqueness of this salve is its lasting effects after use.  It helps keep color resilient and vibrant while helping reduce scars (for those tattoos done by a not so experienced artist) It not only works as a tattoo healing ointment but also a safe, general healing ointment for everyday cuts, scaring, and wounds. It compares to the healing potency of H2Ocean and Tattoo Goo. But adds a little something extra.  Carol an Rob themselves are the most down to Earth owners and hard workers you can meet. They label each of their products "Please Enjoy & Use by:" the expiration date. You an find their products online at or at Woven Inks: The Traveling Gent In Denver.  Feel free to call Rob Baker with any questions as he will be more than happy to discuss any questions and fill your orders as needed.
Rob Baker

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