Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hump Day Ladies and Gentlemen

Don't get your panties in a bunch...unless you like it like that...perverts:) enjoy

Model: Unknown
Photographer: Unknown
Underwear by: Unknown

Please feel free to leave any comments and correct me on any credits that are due.  Thank you internet for the wonderful picture

Sternum to Navel Tattoos: Acute Execution

New rise in tattoo trends have led to neo-traditional and traditional styled tattoos being tattooed as a beautification symbols, attracting primarily to the breasts, stomach and navel regions of these female bodies.  

These attractive tattoos have become more and more popular in younger collectors resulting in a tsunami of women getting these to sculpt their bodies and bring attention to a more attractive part of the body than just the breasts. The middle ribs and sternum are not a simple walk in the park when it comes to tattooing.  However, the individuals taking on these endeavors are raising tattooing to a more sultry while sophisticated level.  The placement of these brilliant tattoos eludes to the most feminine forms, the breasts, while exacting the fortitude of saying, "Don't fuck with me." These pieces almost seem like they become trapped between two of the most sultry forms of a woman, her breasts and navel. This is acute in bringing tattoos for beautifying to the next level. 

New definition for utility of beatification tattoos:
Placement is to uplift the body, form with it and enhance it. Form and design go hand in hand with utility. No need to make it complicated...she's all the beauty there needs to be.  The artist's job now is to only elevate her and embrace her.

Genius happens in smallest of moments but will echo through time.  This is how you design timeless tattoos.  The End